Thursday, October 26, 2023. 16.00h.
PCB (Parc Cientific Barcelona, C/Baldiri Reixac 10-12), Felix Serratosa Room
16.00 - 16.30: Giuseppe Battaglia (GL, Molecular Bionics lab, IBEC)
Macromolecular transport at the Blood Brain Barrier: mechanism, avidity control, and disease implications -
16.30 - 17.00: Aida Rodriguez Nuevo (Elvan Böke lab, CRG)
Staying fit for the next generation: suppression of mitochondrial complex I in oocytes -
17.00 - 17.30: Coffee break
17.30 - 18.00: Joaquim Torra (Maria Garcia-Parajo lab, ICFO)
Super-resolved cell stretching and photosensitizing Flipper as new tools in mechanobiology and fluorescence imaging -
18.00 -18.30: Anabel-Lise Le Roux (Pere Roca-Cusachs lab, IBEC)
A mechanosensing mechanism controls plasma membrane shape homeostasis at the nanoscale